What is plant based propylene glycol?  

The market is familiar with plant based vegetable glycerin but until recently no one really knew propylene glycol came from a by-product of the petroleum business and usually overseas.  We found a plant based version of propylene glycol made here in America and became big advocates for it.  The price is competitive, we do not think you will pay more for using a plant based product, at least we sell it and are not trying to charge more.

What is the difference between petrol based PG and plant based PG taste, really?

As flavorists we can "taste" a slight chemical petroleum-like taste with the propylene glycol derived from the gas industry.  Flavor typically covers it up. The plant based propylene glycol has a slight floral taste, (as opposed to a petroleum taste) and flavors come out brighter and cleaner.  The tastes are very slight, but we notice them.  Most all flavors have a floral note, and some flavors have up to four floral notes.  If we were to remove them, you would not recognize the flavor. So compounding flavor with a solvent that tastes better and has desirable notes as opposed to undesirable notes with our substrate (in this case PG) is a great thing.

Can we call plant based propylene glycol it natural?

You can call it plant based, bio-based, but you cannot call it organic or natural because it can never be so.  When manufacturing any propylene glycol there is a one molecule change that prevents it from ever being natural or organic.  But if you are using vegetable glycerin that is organic and plant based, as well as propylene glycol that is plant based and made in the USA, and your flavor is compounded with plant based PG and not the other-and your nicotine is plant based (and not synthetic) - it is fair to say you have a product that is entirely plant based and possibly all made in the USA.   If you are using plant based PG you can also use our small logo on this page.  

Our plant based PG is also KOSHER and USP Pharma grade.  

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